Title: "Saver"
Korean Title: 세이버
Author: LEE Eun Young
Year: 2002
Licensed: Tokyopop (6 vols) - Discontinued
Scanlated: NOIR and Evil Flowers (joint)
Genre: Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Gender Bender Historical Romance Shoujo Tragedy
Status: 16 volumes (On-going)
Author (in native language): 이은영
Summary: Lena Ha is a beautiful and tough girl who is the captain of the kendo team. She meets Hye-Min Kang, the son of the president of a big company in Korea, and the two seem to feel love at first sight. But when Lena learns that she and Hye-Min are half-siblings, she runs away and falls into a strange body of water. When Lena wakes up, she finds herself in a strange kingdom...and learns that she may be its only hope. Now Lena, disguised as Ley, is ready for many adventures... Courtesy of Baka-Updates Manga
Upload Notice: Only volumes (v15-v16) were uploaded per Maru B's request. Thanks to "manhwalover" for letting me know that v14 was only 2 chapters long. ;) Missing v01-v06, v17+. vol 01-15 you can find on Manga Trader + Manga fox
Korean Title: 세이버
Author: LEE Eun Young
Year: 2002
Licensed: Tokyopop (6 vols) - Discontinued
Scanlated: NOIR and Evil Flowers (joint)
Genre: Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Gender Bender Historical Romance Shoujo Tragedy
Status: 16 volumes (On-going)
Author (in native language): 이은영
Summary: Lena Ha is a beautiful and tough girl who is the captain of the kendo team. She meets Hye-Min Kang, the son of the president of a big company in Korea, and the two seem to feel love at first sight. But when Lena learns that she and Hye-Min are half-siblings, she runs away and falls into a strange body of water. When Lena wakes up, she finds herself in a strange kingdom...and learns that she may be its only hope. Now Lena, disguised as Ley, is ready for many adventures... Courtesy of Baka-Updates Manga
Upload Notice: Only volumes (v15-v16) were uploaded per Maru B's request. Thanks to "manhwalover" for letting me know that v14 was only 2 chapters long. ;) Missing v01-v06, v17+. vol 01-15 you can find on Manga Trader + Manga fox
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